Thursday, May 25, 2023

Panamá: Iglesia del Carmen, Metro Ride, Goodbyes and a Flight Home

What an amazing day to wrap up our week-long adventure. The group of New Mexico students left this morning at 6:30AM, and several of my students woke up to see them off and enjoy breakfast with them before they left. Since students were required to be packed before lights out last night, we were able to wake up at a reasonable hour and extend our tour a bit before leaving for the airport. Several students asked to do another walking tour of the area around our hotel. We were able to eat breakfast, fit in the walk, visit a church, take a ride on the city subway "metro", visit the largest bus station in Panama, and make one last stop for snacks before loading our suitcases and making our way to the airport.

Iglesia del Carmen Visit:

Our first stop was a short visit to the Iglesia del Carmen. This building was built in the 20th century with gothic-style architecture. The beauty in the arches and the gold leaf were immaculate. For those of you that travel, if you have never stopped to check out the churches where you travel, you are missing out! We have been to many churches throughout our travels and this one was breathtaking. Regardless of individual beliefs, all students and adults took a few moments upon entering each of the churches to reflect and admire the beauty. 

Metro Ride:

In order to get to and from the church in the amount of time we had before our flight, we took the metro. This was also an opportunity for another large group of students to experience another "first". Only a handful of students had ever ridden the subway. Gabo took time to explain the processes of: putting money on the metro card, scanning at the entry and exit, understanding the police presence for safety, maintaining cleanliness from graffiti, boarding quickly to not get left behind, holding on when the subway starts, and always making sure they give up their seat for anyone elderly or in need. I love that he stops and gives my students lessons on history, economics, nature and more... but it is the "life" lessons that Gabo shares that I love the most! Thank you Gabo.


Panama Goodbyes and Hello Homes:

Although it looks like we are just staring at a wall (which we were), this is our only image with our shirt numbers. I will miss our number calls (in both English and Spanish) to make sure everyone is present. This group was amazing at being on time, ready, and present for all activities.

Panama was amazing. We had a blast, but all good things must come to an end. We said our heartfelt farewells to Gabo and Rafin. They both gave little speeches to our group, and I know that we all had an impact on each other. Gabo spoke of highlights on the trip, and also let the group know they were special. He even stated that we were one of his top 5 groups of all time. This really meant a lot to me as a leader. As leaders, we try really hard to make sure our kids are "travelers" and not just "tourists". I want them to eat, breathe, and feel Panama... not just visit. I think we accomplished this mission and it was nice to know that someone else recognized it as well. 



We played a game on the flight called GeoSpot! Almost everyone got Panama City correct! Congrats to Autumn Ball, Charlotte Norton, and Alexis Licklider for being the GeoStuds in the group!
In all my years of traveling I have never had a flight attendant offer to take an image of my group. Although we are missing a couple of kids on the sides, this gesture meant a lot. When you travel with large groups of students, these little things are priceless memories. They are memories for both my group AND Sleepy Hat Dude and Front Row Seat Guy. I did tell him that we would make him famous. 
We made it to Wichita and arrived on time. These students grew in so many ways while in Panama. They tried new things, went out of their comfort zones, accomplished goals, used language, showed independence and more. I could not be more proud of the growth shown in this group over the last 6 days. 
My last favorite part...
I know that everything we do is my favorite thing, but in all seriousness, this is definitely one of them. When parents drop off their kids at the airport, they are trusting that I will do my best to keep them safe and help them grow. When we return and arrive in Wichita, and I watch them interact with their kids after a week with me, I know that I have accomplished my missions. 



Thank You...
1. I could not do these trips without the help of some amazing people! Thank you to my husband (Mr. Potter) for always being the caboose on these journeys and understanding my desire to travel and see the world. 
2. Thank you to Mrs. Rush, my partner in crime when it comes to student travel. I love bouncing ideas off of one another and planning cultural activities together. 
3. Gracias Gabo! Thank you for taking a risk with my crazy group and making all ideas and hopes come to fruition! My kids learned amazing things and it is all because of your knowledge and willingness to answer ALL THE QUESTIONS!
4. These adventures wouldn't be possible without the support of my parents as well. They are willing to spend time with my kiddos while we are gone. It is nice to know that they are always safe and well-loved in my absence. 

Last but not least, thank you to all parents and students, past and present, who go out on a limb and trust that we will have an amazing/safe/educational journey!