Fostering Family - The Growth of Home and Heart

When I was growing up, I had a cousin who was a foster mother and adopted a son from the foster care system. I was too young to witness what this world was actually like for her, but I wasn't too young to realize what an awesome thing my family thought it was. 

As a young adult, a different cousin adopted three children out of the foster care system. At this age, the age of 23, I was able to witness the good that came out of the situation as well as the trials and tribulations that went along with it for the family involved. 

As an adult and teacher, I have had many students who, for one reason or another, were in the foster care system, had been adopted by a relative, were homeless, victims of abuse, or were living with someone other than their parents. 

I've seen the impacts that a caring adult can have in the life of a child in need. Regardless of race, gender, age, occupation, level of income, or history; a foster parent can be the world to a child in need of a home.

I was blessed to be born to a loving family without history or violence, drugs, abuse or financial problems. These were gifts that I was blessed with by birth, not because I did anything to earn them. Other children are not always so lucky. A child doesn't choose to be born into a life surrounded by drugs or an unstable family. A child doesn't choose their parents and the world that they live in. A child doesn't choose to lose their parents in a car accident. A child's only choice is to have a positive outlook, pray that they are cared for/loved and hope for the best. 

The best could be someone waiting right around the corner. The child could need a mentor, someone to call and check in on them, a place to stay for the night, a temporary home, a permanent placement, or just someone that they know cares about them. It is for this reason that I am a foster parent. I would hope that if I ever do end up in need, someone would do the same for me. 

With this blog I will share many stories of my experiences being a part of the foster care system in Kansas. I hope that they will give you a glimpse into a world that isn't always pretty, but that blossoms when watered. Who knows? Maybe being a foster parent isn't for you, but you might be inspired to help the world in another way. If we all gave more than we thought about receiving, the gift of life would be more of a treasure. 

Heather Potter, Foster Mom

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