Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Panama: Leaving on a Jet Plane (Travel)

Takeoff! After saying farewell to family and friends. We boarded a jet to Houston! We will arrive in Houston at 8 and then head to Panama at 10. We should arrive to our final destination, Panama City, at 2:00pm! These kiddos are excited, nervous and ready for the adventure to begin! 40% of this group of students rode a plane for the first time today. #experiencesawaitforthosewhoseekthem

Now to navigate the Houston airport...

Fun quotes from today:
"How cool that I get to see this morning's sunset from the air on my first flight!"
"Are we allowed to get donuts?"
"Can I go hug my dad?"
"Did you feel that bump? I think Superman just ran into the plane!"
"Wahoo! I think we just landed!"
"I didn't expect to hear this much Spanish before we left the country!"

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