Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Panama - Night Before Feelings of Excitement and Anticipation (5/30)

Good evening! This year has been a lot of firsts for me. I taught middle school Spanish after teaching high school for over 8 years. I taught a Computer Applications course after dealing with many technological struggles of my own. I moved to a different school district for the first time in my professional career. I presented at a regional conference. Throughout all of the firsts however; the biggest one, in my opinion, is that this year will be my first trip abroad with middle school students. 

I have traveled abroad many times before, but this trip is different. As I write this, it is 11:13p.m. the night before departure. We will gather at the airport at 4:20AM to hug parents and take group pictures before leaving for Panama. The emails from parents with last minute questions have ceased, as well as the posts and tweets from excited kiddos. I am hopefully assuming that they are all snug in their beds. I have never been more prepared, confident and ready for a trip in my life! Student notebooks are copied and in my carry-on. My bags were packed a week ago, and instructions are typed and lined out for my family to take care of my daughter while I am gone. My clothes are laying on my dresser, ready to be slipped on at 3:00AM, in order to depart my house by 3:45AM. I could not be more excited for the adventure that awaits this group! We have planned, studied, practiced language, bonded, and grown as a group this past year and the next 8 days are going to be AMAZING! I cannot wait to share all of our experiences with you! 

Panama better be ready for us because we are definitely ready for Panama! 

 -Students Going Global: Panama 2017

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