Sunday, May 20, 2018

New York City: Students Going Global 2018 - Day 1 (5/20/2018)

Students Going Global 2018: New York City

For several personal reasons, we decided that 2018 would be the year I took my students on a tour of a domestic location instead of an international one.  Although we didn't leave the borders of the United States, we learned a lot about the history and culture of our nation, including the influences of Puerto Ricans in Spanish Harlem, the Chinese in Chinatown and the Italian influences in Little Italy. Our great nation is made up of many different cultures and I do not think that this is celebrated enough. I want my students to see that there is a world outside of Goddard and even Kansas and help them to understand the cultural richness of our great nation. 

To accomplish my mission of cultural awareness, we took a tour to New York City that focused on Immigration and the Cultural Makeup of our country in one of the most amazing cities on Earth! I hope that you enjoy reading about our adventures. 

Day 1 in NYC was a huge success! 🙂
Here is a brief synopsis of Day 1 in NYC:
- Safe flights! (2 flew for the first time ever!)
- We did have a slight bit of turbulence... I never want to hear “Flight Attendants, jumpseats please!” again. 
- We took strolls through Chinatown, bought cheap souvenirs and ate Italian food to the tune of Italian music in Little ðŸ‡®ðŸ‡¹ Italy! One student even had chicken Alfredo for the first time! Crazy... I know! 
- Next stop was the Tenement Museum! This is an apartment building that is set up like it was in the early 1900’s and they have actors to give the kids lessons on early immigration and the hardships faced by those in our country. 
- For dinner, the kids experienced the Chelsea Market, known for many different types of foods, cultures and stores. Kids tried New York hotdogs, milkshakes and more as they explored. 
- After dinner, we toured the Empire State Building. The sights from the building are beautiful and the kids were able to see all different parts of NYC! Not to mention a great sunset to end our day!

Day 1 - And we are off! New York City here we come!  - Student designed shirts, carry-on luggage only, tears when saying goodbye to parents...and we were off for the adventure of a lifetime! (18 student, 2 junior counselors and 1 amazing husband)

After enjoying my favorite stroofwafel on the plane and navigating our line of matching shirts through the airport, we met our tour guide and made our journey from the airport, to the city! Day 1 was a beautiful day and did not disappoint! 
New York travel and traffic:

We ate dinner in Little Italy at a restaurant known DaNico's! The food was delicious and the service was great!We ate family style, meaning several dishes were brought to the table and you could take portions of each dish! Yummy!

In New York City, art is EVERYWHERE! You could look out the window at any moment and see celebrated street art being used to share opinions, beliefs, pride and cultural history! Thoughout this blog, you will see several examples of this art! I also had two students complete reports on the street art in New York City. Links to these projects will be posted at a future time!

After lunch in Little Italy, we took a tour of Chinatown. We learned about the history of the streets that make up Chinatown as well as the process of gentrification and how it has effected this area. Students were able to try authentic Chinese foods, shop for souvenirs, be immersed in the diversity of New York City and practice their bargaining skills! After a short stint in Chinatown, we walked past Macy's and ate dinner in the CHELSEA MARKET! At this market, students can try all sorts of foods and have the coastal market experience!



To end the evening we experienced one of the most beautiful sights that I have ever seen. We listened to the history of the Empire State Building and how it was built. After climbing and riding to the top, we were able to see some of the most beautiful views of New York City! A wonderful sunset in the Heart of New York City, with a wonderful group was a GREAT way to end our first day!

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