Tuesday, June 11, 2019

NY 9- Leadership Conference Day 1 (6/11/19)

                                                            NY 9- Leadership Conference Day 1 
Hi Everyone!
   My name is Kylie Rush and I am Mrs. Potters very first guest blogger :)! I'm here to show and tell about the New York leadership conference. Our Goddard NY 9 have just completed our first day in New York. Our journey began at 4:00 a.m. in Wichita. We got all checked in, only to find out a few of our bags had to be checked, including mine, oops! We made it through security and were pretty excited to try this airplane bit. Our first flight was a short one, taking us St. Louis. Luckily, we stayed at the same gate, left us plenty of time to get in a game of 'holiday' uno! R.J. won, incase you were wondering. We landed in New Jersey around 11:30, after going through the Lincoln Tunnel (which none of the kids remembered from Elf, by the way!) we were able to meet up with the rest of our group at Rockefeller Center. We grabbed lunch, mostly pizza and sandwiches, which were given glowing reviews "It was like Heaven". We took time to learn about Atlas and the competing vision of St. Patrick's cathedral. We headed over to one of our personal favorites, The New York library! The kids took time to meet the lions that are featured outside the library. We learned they have names! Patience and Fortitude and got a great group photo. We made music with some instruments there as well. (Look for that video to come). Next stop - Grand Central Terminal! We learned about the big oops, the architect made with the constellation painting  and what caused all the pollution (smoking!). We had a wonderful dinner at Schnippers, where everyone got a chocolate milk shake! Finishing up our day with a visit to the top of the Empire State Building!! It was windy up there but so extremely enchanting. We have tired legs and pink cheeks from all our walking today. We did a live video of our debrief, they took time to talk directly to parents and tell you about their favorite part!
        What I noticed the most on our adventure today, was how I couldnt have asked for more from our NY 9. Today they represented their parents, their school, community and themselves, with the utmost respect. Certainly times today, others in our presence did not. At our evening debrief, I made sure to let them know, how proud we all are of the choices they made and continue to make. They were the first students to volunteer to help with luggage, to help others with mistakes, and take in their surroundings.
 1. "You're never going to guess where I got this.... I traded a pocket knife for it"
2. "I'm older than you and I'm going to get a drivers license first"
3. "I also looked up the doctor that birthed me. I asked my parents"4." So, just for that all that money, all you get is the better view?"


  1. Looks like everyone is having a great time. Thank you for sharing your story and for keeping our precious one's safe. Looking forward to reading today's adventure.

  2. Looks like you are having a blast! Take it all in and enjoy.
    JC -CDS

  3. Fantastic!!!!! Thanks for sharing their journey!!!
