We're back at it! Day 4 may have been my favorite yet!
We started the day off pretty early by loading luggage into the bus to head into NYC. I was pleasantly pleased to see members of the NY 9 helping to load luggage, they were the primary volunteers. Ms. Skye filled us in on the long history of central park. (NYC wanted to be like Europe, Europe suggested getting a large green space, so they blew out everything that existed on the space and put in we we know as, Central Park. The kids enjoyed this time, they ran around, played, chased each other. We have started to understand how green space is crucial to a New Yorkers life! The boys found a pretty fountain, which Caleb then deemed, "The Fountain of the Opera". )Next stop was The Museum of New York City. We spent our time at this museum in the Future City Lab. This portion is an interactive exhibit that challenges the students to think of creative ways to fix 'problems'. Some of the students focused on housing, green space, transportation, and wide life. The students we asked to defend some of their choices (I think I got a live video of this process). They then were able to use tech simulations to actually build their ideas! They were aiming to get a 'green' score in: affordability, mass and environment. We had a group get 2/3 all green! I did get a live video of them during this process! While they were working, another leader from a fellow Summit group approached and asked me, how old our students are. When I replied, she stopped and said, "They are so well spoken. They're not afraid to speak and are so articulate." You just cant beat a teacher comment!! This section of the museum had an exhibit the kids didnt have time for, called, "What if". I am loving the idea of this and am hoping to bring it to our classroom this next year. I would like to incorporate it into a journal before we leave as well. People were challenged to write a dream of theirs on the "what if" side, and then complete it by filling out the "then" side with what exactly the consequences of their if would be. We were all very sad to leave :(. We then walked the 20 minute walk to The Met! (They didnt
love the walk, but did appreciate that it was a nice, wide, tree
covered sidewalk!
We ate lunch Gossip Girl style, on the steps. We were able to pick from a variety of food trucks and alot of the kiddos finally got to experience the famous NYC hot dog. After this, Kurt picked us in the bus for our hour long drive to TarryTown! They seem much more like a bus family now - even picking a bus name! I was able to get a few of the boys back for the sleeping pictures, round 2! Once we finally arrived to dorms, they got all set up and we headed to a big welcome with ALL the conference people. Then we set out for their first session of the summit! The kiddos are now on one of four colored teams. Each team will be sending one group to the finals for the design. As of now, this process is still a bit fuzzy for me, but I'l know more tomorrow! You'l definitely want to ask your student which color they are: navy, pink, blue, or purple. Though you'l probably notice their bandanas in the photos these next couple days. Innovation teams also got matching EF bandanas to wear. At dinner, the kids sat with new friends. None of them even wanted to sit with me!
Following dinner we were suprised with fun outside activities! They even had a cotton candy guy! They had: sand vollyball, giant chess, giant bowling, blow up twister, popcorn, a blow up obstacle course, "competitive napping" squares, and other fun games. I wish you all could have seen the happiness on these guys faces! They played with new friends and Goddard friends the entire time! I did a live video showing some of the fun things when we arrived outside as well. (Sorry again about my yelling in your ear if you were watching live & for future watchers). I got quite a few videos, which wont load on this space, but check the group page! We were sad when it was time to walk back to our rooms. We hunted for a lost key and turned in for the night. Tomorrow, we hear from Clint Smith and they begin to really dig into the design process with their teams. Because, they are now with innovation teams, I wont see the kids as much as I have in these past few days (I think I'm experiencing a slight bit of what you all felt when you sent them off with me for 6 days!) Here are the quotes the day! Try and guess which kid may have said what:
"Its supposed to look like a mustache, but its more like a smile. So, its a smiley mustache"
"Hmm.. here Mrs. Rush, let me check and see if there are any flights out for him tonight"
"What if Skeeters laid eggs in there?"
"Mrs. Rush, the trick is, when you shake it, you have to wait until all the bubbles stop."
(More pictures to come tomorrow!)
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